Cobertura Plugin not seeing Groovy source files
Scott Hickey
2011-03-23 19:26:11 UTC
I have the following at the top of my build.gradle file:

apply plugin: 'groovy'
apply plugin: 'idea'
apply from: 'https://github.com/valkolovos/gradle_cobertura/raw/master/ivy/gradle_cobertura/gradle_cobertura/1.0-rc4/coberturainit.gradle'

After running 'gradle cobertura', I open the coverage reports and try
to drill down into them. On the all of the pages, I see messages like:

Unable to locate Importer.groovy. Have you specified the source directory?

I tried adding the following to my build.gradle file but still have
the same problem:

cobertura {
coverageSourceDirs = ["${project.sourceSets.main.groovy.srcDirs}"]

My groovy source files are in src/main/groovy.


Scott Hickey
Marek Piechut
2013-03-14 23:36:52 UTC
Try using:

cobertura {
coverageSourceDirs = [sourceSets.main.groovy.srcDirs]

worked for me when using plugin from

View this message in context: http://gradle.1045684.n5.nabble.com/Cobertura-Plugin-not-seeing-Groovy-source-files-tp4259350p5711022.html
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