Conditional include of subprojects
2013-11-28 22:52:19 UTC
Hi All,

I have a maven multi-module project with following structure. I am in the
process of migrating to Gradle.

- We have multiple profiles inside AppBuild/pom.xml like shown below; and we
run our maven build from AppBuild with -P option for the profiles

Since I am new to Gradle, I am not able to decide what is the best way to go
about it. Now, I am thinking to put some conditional "include" in
settings.gradle based on some -P argument. Could someone help me how to go
about this? What is the best way with some examples.

Thank you.
~ Niranjan
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Luke Daley
2013-12-09 17:44:07 UTC
Post by nnanda
Hi All,
I have a maven multi-module project with following structure. I am in the
process of migrating to Gradle.
- We have multiple profiles inside AppBuild/pom.xml like shown below; and we
run our maven build from AppBuild with -P option for the profiles
Since I am new to Gradle, I am not able to decide what is the best way to go
about it. Now, I am thinking to put some conditional "include" in
settings.gradle based on some -P argument. Could someone help me how to go
about this? What is the best way with some examples.
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Luke Daley
Principal Engineer