Alexander von Zitzewitz
2012-09-27 19:54:06 UTC
I have the following test task in gradle 1.2
task("testMacosx32", type: org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.Test)
systemProperty "INCLUDE", "$project.projectDir/src/test/cpp/win64/VC10/include;$project.projectDir/src/test/cpp/win64/WINSDK/include"
environment("INCLUDE", "$project.projectDir/src/test/cpp/win64/VC10/include;$project.projectDir/src/test/cpp/win64/WINSDK/include")
allJvmArgs = ["-d32", "-Djava.library.path=$project.buildDir/jnilib/Macosx32", "-DINCLUDE=$project.projectDir/src/test/cpp/win64/VC10/include;$project.projectDir/src/test/cpp/win64/WINSDK/include"]
As you can see I am trying to set the environment variable "INCLUDE" (first I tried environment only, then I added systemProperty)
In the test a groovy script trues to access the variable and fails, it is not defined !
What am I doing wrong, I am trying to figure that out since two days ;-(
Any help would be highly appreciated
Best regards
Alexander von Zitzewitz
hello2morrow Inc.
1 (877) 294-6327
task("testMacosx32", type: org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.Test)
systemProperty "INCLUDE", "$project.projectDir/src/test/cpp/win64/VC10/include;$project.projectDir/src/test/cpp/win64/WINSDK/include"
environment("INCLUDE", "$project.projectDir/src/test/cpp/win64/VC10/include;$project.projectDir/src/test/cpp/win64/WINSDK/include")
allJvmArgs = ["-d32", "-Djava.library.path=$project.buildDir/jnilib/Macosx32", "-DINCLUDE=$project.projectDir/src/test/cpp/win64/VC10/include;$project.projectDir/src/test/cpp/win64/WINSDK/include"]
As you can see I am trying to set the environment variable "INCLUDE" (first I tried environment only, then I added systemProperty)
In the test a groovy script trues to access the variable and fails, it is not defined !
What am I doing wrong, I am trying to figure that out since two days ;-(
Any help would be highly appreciated
Best regards
Alexander von Zitzewitz
hello2morrow Inc.
1 (877) 294-6327